On site we have two BIPEL compression moulding machines of 300 and 400 tonnes capacity. Tool platen size on the 300 tonne machine is 710 x 710mm, with daylight opening of 885mm max. and 280mm min. The tool platen size for the 400 tonne machine is 920 x 920mm with daylight opening of 1020mm max. and 550mm min.
The machines are used to manufacture various industrial components using either a polyester, or phenolic dough moulding compound (see illustration below. If you are seeking compression moulding capacity, enquiries regarding machine availability should be addressed in the first instance to jonny@movevirgo.co.uk
Illustration of a typical compression moulded part made using our 300 tonne BIPEL press. This component forms the end plate for an electric traction motor, was produced using a polyester dough moulding compound with fire retardant properties, and shows the reasonably high levels of detail required and the varying thickness’ of the moulding.
Tooling for this type of work can be relatively expensive dependent upon size / shape etc. but we have in the past produced tooling with a nickel coated face for approximately half the price of machined metal tooling. This is a particularly attractive option if your total moulding requirement is circa. 10,000 units. We have also found that refurbishment of the tool surface is achievable at a sensible price giving a long predicted tool life.
Four air presses are used to produce a variety of moulded components using both polyester and phenolic materials. Tooling for these presses can be produced using composite materials, which can allow quicker turnaround times compared to the production of steel tooling. If required the tooling can be produced incorporating systems that allow either heating or cooling of the moulds, dependent on requirements.